Kamis, 12 Februari 2015


bingung blog ini mau di isi apa, kemaren - kemaren sempet tempat makan yang ada di bandung dan jakarta. sekarng kayaknya back to misi gue yaitu buat blog fashion. sebenernya ya ini iseng iseng aja sih buatnya. gue suka banget fashion. cuma jarang di aplikasiin ke blog atau sempetin foto fashionnya. ya karena gue pun masih belajar. yah semoga aja blog ini bisa jadi kayak sonia eryka dan anastasia siantar. menurut gue mereka keren banget.. dari mulai awal pas gue liat. mereka punya fashion yang khas.

gue harap semoga bisa kayak mereka yang sukses sama blog fashionnya. dan bisa menginspirasi fashion banyak orang :)
nb: this photo for information

Jumat, 21 November 2014

food is....

 spaghetti aglio olio from pepper buns and coffee Bandung
 sushi from origami sushi, fried noodles and rice and beef flush from toko you Bandung
 all about sushi from sushi den
 hot chocolate from warung lela Bandung
 which one? from nanny's pavillon Bandung
 want cake?
 salom salad and sushi from tokyo connection Bandung
 delicious steak
 macaroon from bakerzin
 coffee from blacklist Jakarta
 takoyaki and tempura?
 teriyaki set divergent
 divergent but still god for me from jogja
pasta made my self

"part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like.."

- Mark Twain -

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

no wifi and busy

hahahha... sebenernya judul yang aneh sih,tapi emang kenyataannya gitu mau gimana lagi. :(
susah banget dapet wifi,giliran dapet wifi bingung mau posting apa atau kadang kadang lupa bawa laptop. -.-

nah... sekarang dikampus udah dapet wifi.. tinggal dimanfaatin deh buat post diblog. tapiii bingung mau post apa. hahahha..
mm,by the way kayaknya aku mau ganti nama blognya deh. tapi apa ya? let me think ._. hahahah..
oke,segini dulu aja deh. hahaahah..
bingung mau ngapain. hahahah..

                                                                        salam yang dapat free wifi dan mencari nama baru

Rabu, 17 Juli 2013


i'm not. sometimes saya mau untuk post di blog ini atau buka internet,tapi tidak bisa. sangat menggangu sekali. anyway,saya sudah jadi mahasiswa,not's student... yey.. :D hahahaha..
mungkin dengan begitu saya punya banyak waktu luang untuk memposting disini. ;D

mm,tapi untuk saat ini saya tidak memposting apa apa. but i will.. someday. hahhaha.. so,keep look my blog.

glasses princess

Senin, 27 Mei 2013

out from busy day

oh my god.....
finally i can out from my busy day.busy studying for final exams to prepare so there is no time to open my blog. And in the end after the anticipated date forward to March 25, ME PASS!! was very pleased. all limp body because wearing graduation letter post.
okay maybe that's all I can I do to this day. hopefully I can post all my fashion.

love glasses pincess

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

When I and 5 others car freeday

Forgive me because I am too old to post to the blog. Day of week ago I along with 5 people go to car freeday. It's my first time there. Hahahahha ...
Initially I left home alone because my friend lives far away. So we make a pact there. It's weird, because the first time there and alone. Hahahha
Finally we had met, before the start of the road as usual we had to eat first, there many who sell food ..

This photo no make up,just natural... ;)

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

tribal *again*in holiday

hey guys, happy new year!! forgive me for my new post again. because my modem is broken so I had to buy a new one and also I look busy lately preparing for the national exam. somehow I was very scared and worried.
but this time I'm not going to talk about the exam. I'll talk about my holiday .. * yeah *
before the new year, my father came to Bandung. as usual, when my father was coming for sure we go to some place that is usually far from bandung. and this time my father took to Jakarta (Ancol, putri duyang) although only one day but it was fun.

somehow i love the tribal form, so I wear it again but with a different shape and color.

 black and white like a chessboard. but i love it .. : D
happy new year * though late *